Your septic system removes solid waste and wastewater from your home. Whether you are new to septic system usage or you have used a septic system for years, caring for your septic tank should always be a priority.

Luckily, preventing septic tank problems Spring Grove isn’t too difficult. By using the strategies listed below, you can prevent major issues with your septic system and enhance its functionality on a long-term basis.

Use Your Garbage Disposal Responsibly

As you do dishes, it may seem like second nature to let larger food scraps and whatever else is on your plate go down the drain. However, this can create big problems for your septic system, especially if excessive grease and fats go down your kitchen sink drain. Refrain from treating your garbage disposal like a trash can and only let smaller bits of food waste go down the drain.

Watch What You Flush

Just like you should be careful about what goes down your kitchen sink, you should also be careful about what gets flushed down your toilets. Make sure to only let toilet paper get flushed! Even products that claim you can flush them can still wreak havoc on your septic system.

Spread Out Water Usage

Your septic tank can only process so much wastewater at a time, so be conscious about how much water your home uses on any given day. Try spacing out loads of laundry, shortening your showers, and taking other precautions to reduce excessive water consumption.

Make Pumping a Priority

Regular septic pumping removes the solid waste that accumulates in your septic tank, so more waste can freely get through and out into your drain field. Don’t go too long between pumping appointments – if you wait too long, your septic tank could become overloaded and threaten your septic system’s functionality.

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