Microdermabrasion offers many skin-smoothing benefits. It helps soften shallow lines and wrinkles, clears clogged pores, reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation, and even improves the results gained by using some skincare products.

Microdermabrasion involves using a device that gently sands the surface of your skin. It removes dead skin cells and boosts blood circulation for healthy, radiant skin.

Reduces the Appearance of Wrinkles

Unlike laser procedures and chemical peels, microdermabrasion is non-invasive, safe, and doesn’t require any downtime. It can reduce superficial wrinkles and clogged pores, as well as light brown spots and acne scarring. By eliminating the dry, dead skin cells that make you appear older than you are, microdermabrasion can also help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment also helps to smooth the skin and can even help makeup apply more smoothly.

You can amplify your results by combining your microdermabrasion treatment with a facial or chemical peel. While the idea of a gritty tool scraping at your face may sound painful, patients and providers agree that the treatment isn’t very uncomfortable. However, it’s essential to stay hydrated and use a high-quality moisturizer after treatment.  Selecting a reputable microdermabrasion Virginia Beach clinic is necessary to ensure safe and effective skincare treatments that rejuvenate your skin and enhance its overall appearance. Trusting a well-regarded clinic guarantees professional care and top-quality results for your skin’s health and radiance.

Removes Dead Skin Cells

Using crystal or diamond-tipped wands, microdermabrasion physically removes the outer layer of dead skin cells. This allows the new skin underneath to appear healthier and more vibrant. Additionally, it lessens the visibility of enlarged pores and blackheads. You don’t need any topical or local anesthetic before a microdermabrasion treatment because it is a non-invasive procedure. However, you may feel a scratching, stinging, or sucking sensation on the surface of your skin as the exfoliation process is performed. Unlike chemical peels, which penetrate deeper into the skin, microdermabrasion only targets the topmost layers of the epidermis. Therefore, it cannot improve deep wrinkles, surgical scars, or extreme pigmentation problems. However, it can significantly lessen the visibility of fine lines, wrinkles, and mild scarring.

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Reduces the Appearance of Acne Scars

Acne scarring can be a significant issue, not just for skin health but also for self-esteem and confidence. The good news is that microdermabrasion helps reduce the appearance of these scars, leaving you with smooth, even skin.

Maintaining a skincare routine that incorporates mild face cleansing and skin-type-appropriate moisturizers is crucial. It’s also advised to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen because microdermabrasion may make your skin more photosensitive.

For all skin types and conditions, microdermabrasion is a safe and effective procedure.  It can be combined with other treatments such as derma rolling, PRP, and non-ablative lasers to help achieve the results you desire. It is also great for reducing hyperpigmentation, brown spots, and melasma. Talk to your dermatologist about a personalized treatment plan for flawless skin.

Reduces the Appearance of Hyperpigmentation

The secret to flawless skin has eluded many in our quest for youth, but microdermabrasion can help. This cosmetic procedure involves a device that scrubs the skin with rough granules or crystals to remove dead skin and reduce the appearance of sunspots, age spots, and other discoloration. Microdermabrasion also helps to decrease the appearance of enlarged pores and blackheads, which can be challenging to eliminate alone. This treatment can also improve the results of anti-aging and skin-bleaching products by removing the outer layer of dead cells that can interfere with their effectiveness. The best part about microdermabrasion is that it doesn’t require any downtime, and you can return to your routine immediately afterward. 

Reduces the Appearance of Oily Skin

If you have large pores, microdermabrasion can help reduce their appearance. This is because the treatment can remove excess sebum and reduce the pore size. It also helps reduce the appearance of acne scars, especially atrophic scars. However, it isn’t effective on raised scars like keloid scars. The treatment can also be used to even out the skin tone. It is effective on a variety of discolorations, including melasma and rosacea. It can also soften shallow lines and wrinkles.

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Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that is quick and painless. You can expect to be in and out of the office in less than 30 minutes. To prepare for your treatment, avoid using exfoliating products seven days before the session.